This is completely true of a drink many women have tried and on the average lost one centimeter of their waistline each day.
If you are not happy with your current weight, this drink is the perfect solution for you. Apart from reducing one centimeter of your waistline every day, it will also improve your overall health on many levels. For one thing, this drink will cleanse your body of toxins and excess fat, prevent water retention, and improve your brain function and eyesight.
What are you waiting for? Mix the three ingredients you may already have at home, and start the treatment!
All you need is:
- a teaspoon of honey,
- 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
- And 1 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
Put it all together in a blender and mix well.
The beverage consume before lunch or dinner seven days, then a break of seven days. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated. If you are not a fan of grapefruit, you can replace it squeezed orange juice.